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Little Falls and Paint Branch Stream Restoration and Bridge Installation

Little Falls Stream Restoration

SMC is currently under contract with the Maryland National Capital Park and Planning Commission (MNCPPC) to install two pedestrian bridges over local waterways and complete stream restoration on the stream segments where the bridges are to be placed. At the Paint Branch Site, SMC is restoring the existing stream channel utilizing riffle grade controls, bed stability mix, cross vanes, root wads, and soil lifts. SMC’s responsibilities also include overseeing the installation of the bridge piers and abutments by our concrete subcontractor; and installing the 80 LF fiberglass pedestrian bridge complete appropriate trail grading and site stabilization. At the Little Falls Site, SMC is conducting demolition efforts to remove the existing asphalt path and 75 LF bridge. Post-demolition duties include restoring the stream channel utilizing cross vanes, imbricated rock walls, rock sills, and riffle grade control structures. The bridge abutments are being completed and the replacement 65 LF fiberglass bridge installed and the existing trails will be reconfigured and prepared for final grading and site stabilization. Additional tributary work includes step pools, rock sills and stone toes. Our crews have removed the old rusted pipe from underneath the path and installed a new 48” HDPE pipe with a concrete head wall downstream and a concrete flared end section upstream which was armored with riprap. Both projects include additional tasks, including the management of in-stream aquatic species via fish shocking and relocation efforts, maintenance of pedestrian access and safety during construction activities, and preservation of tree resources while working in confined spaces.

Little Falls Bridge Installation

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