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Project: Underground Stormwater Facilities Inspection

Project Details: Construction Date: 2021

Location: Gaithersburg, MD

Project: Underground Stormwater Facilities Inspection

Project Description:

SMC entered into a contract to inspect and maintain stormwater infrastructure to support  Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) compliance which included storm drain inlets, StormFilters, Filterras, underground detention vaults, storm drain filter inserts, oil water separators, hydrodynamic structures (Baysavers).

The SMC scope of work included inspecting 20% of 2,750 storm drain inlets annually and recommending maintenance on those not functioning appropriately. SMC inspected additional stormwater infrastructure assets and recommended maintenance when existing conditions were beyond the manufacturer’s recommendation for maintenance. SMC utilized an automated software program that allows inspection reports with photos documenting actual conditions to be created as inspections and subsequent maintenance are completed. The information is geo-referenced and allows the client to enter data into its stormwater asset GIS database for tracking, management, and reporting. The inspections also identify any additional maintenance or repair needs.

Project: Underground Stormwater Facilities Inspection


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