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Urbana Stormwater Pond Retrofit of 14 Ponds

In 2018 SMC was awarded a contract by Frederick County, Maryland, for the Urbana Stormwater Pond Retrofit Project. Many retrofit projects are designed and constructed a single pond at a time. This particular project was unusual as Frederick County packaged 14 ponds together under a single contract.

The ponds were located in a great community of single and multi-family homes that included trail systems and numerous outdoor recreation facilities. SMC’s construction crews used great care to minimize disruption to the community and its residents.

SMC’s task was to retrofit the 14 existing legacy dry stormwater ponds into extended detention wetlands. During the course of this 18-month project, which started in the wettest year on record and concluded in late 2019, SMC was responsible for the excavation and removal of more than 10,000 CY of material that was produced during the regrading of the existing ponds.

SMC performed outlet structure modifications that included core drilling to create new low flow inlets, parging of existing outlets, and installing new trash racks. These modifications will extend the detention time, which enhances both flood control and water quality treatment. Due to underlying geologic conditions, SMC lined several of the ponds with an impervious layer of clay. SMC subcontractors planted a variety of vegetation within and surrounding the ponds for habitat, functional, and aesthetic value.

SMC’s project management team worked closely with the County over the course of the project to ensure disruption to the community was minimized. This included routine project management meetings and project site adjustments, as needed. The overall result of the project was a benefit for the neighborhood by converting dry legacy stormwater management facilities into community amenities that also enhance water quality, reduce impacts to the community’s stream systems, and establish healthy aquatic habitats.


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